Join us Saturday morning, September 25, 9:30 - 11:30 as we give you more tools to make you an effective advocate for democracy reform. The event will be online via Zoom and will feature as our opening speaker Brenda Lett, National Treasurer; National Coalition Of Blacks for Reparations in America, (N’COBRA), Board Chair; NH Black Women Health Project, and Board Member; Greater Manchester Black Scholarship Foundation.
This event is FREE and is open to volunteers of any organization who want to learn more about how to advocate for the freedom to vote, end the influence of special interests on our elected officials, and how to be more effective in your communications to other voters.
We have two tracks in our program, based on suggestions by our Open Democracy Teams members, "Issues" and "Tools." You will have the opportunity to attend a total of 2 of the 4 workshops. All will be recorded so you can watch the others at your leisure.
RSVP below!
Our program:
Issues:9:45-10:20 am Public Funding of Elections
Presenter: Nick Nyhart Nick Nyhart (former President and CEO, Public Campaign/Every Voice Center) is a longtime democracy advocate. For nearly 20 years, he led Public Campaign (later Every Voice Center), which supported groundbreaking local, state, and national efforts to design, win, and implement innovative systems of publicly financed elections. A consultant since 2019, he remains an expert on small dollar donor public financing programs and related policies to improve American democracy by making politics more inclusive and equitable. ********************* 10:25-11:10 am Difficult Conversations on Redistricting
Presenter: Liz Tentarelli Liz Tentarelli is a retired educator. She has a been a member of the non-partisan League of Women Voters for more than 25 years, and president of the state League since 2013. Liz often testifies on election law issues in the NH Legislature on behalf of the League of Women Voters. She is also a presenter for the NH Humanities on women's suffrage. Liz lives in Newbury NH.
Tools:9:45-10:20 am Facebook as an Advocacy Tool
Presenter: Becky Timmons Becky Timmons is the Communications Coordinator at Common Cause. |
We'll also take just a few minutes during the event to acknowledge the incredible contributions of our Open Democracy Teams, who just this year have written over 120 letters to the editor, generate hundreds of calls to our U.S. Senators on the For the People Act, challenged Governor Sununu's claims that there is no gerrymandering in NH and so much more. You'll learn more about what Open Democracy Teams do on a weekly basis, and how they are making an impact on the debate in New Hampshire.
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