Please join us for the
2018 Annual Meeting of Open Democracy, June 21, with an Award-Winning Expert on Constitutional History and Law.
Our special guest from Yale University to speak on the history and evolution of America’s founding documents is Akhil Reed Amar. Amar, a Sterling Professor, has attained the highest academic rank at Yale. The title of Sterling Professor is only awarded to a tenured Yale faculty member considered one of the best in his field. Professor Amar is the recipient of numerous awards, author of dozens of law-review articles, and several books (all too numerous to list here), including America’s Constitution: A Biography.
You might wonder why there is no reference to women in the U.S. Constitution, and whether it was the founders’ specific intent that the rights granted under the document not apply to them. Is it true that the founders once considered that only landowners be allowed to vote, and why did they leave voting rights to the discretion of each individual state? What might have happened if one or more state Constitutions made no reference to the granting of voting rights? You might also wonder why there is no affirmative reference in the U.S. Constitution to an individual’s right to an education. What was the relationship between the Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution?
The U.S. Constitution is the oldest federal Constitution in existence. Understand the power of its durability by taking a fascinating guided tour of American history on this special evening, as narrated by Professor Amar.
A silent auction is always a popular feature of our event programming, and will consist of vacation stays, books, jewelry, portraits, and more.
We would be pleased to have you among so many others committed to campaign finance reform at our annual meeting of Open Democracy. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit, whose mission includes passage of public funding of political campaigns. Passage will raise the voice of the masses, balancing the level of political influence, as between a concentration of wealthy donors versus We the People.
We look forward to meeting our new friends … you!
When: June 21, 2018, 5:30 P.M. – 7:30 P.M.
Where: Executive Court Banquet Facility, 1199 So. Mammoth Road, Manchester
Tickets: $40/person
Contact: Doreen Desmarais – [email protected] 603-715-8197

1199 S Mammoth Rd
Manchester, NH 03109
United States
Google map and directions

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