High School Voter Registration Toolkit

The Hub For All Things Related To High School Voter Registration


New Hampshire! There is no better time than the present to encourage the next generation of voters to register to vote!

Photo Credit: Olivia Zink

Less than 16% of eligible 18 year olds are registered to vote in New Hampshire. That number falls well short of the 80% registration rate for voters aged 35+. As New Hampshire citizens, we take pride in being a civically-engaged society! Look no further than our First in the Nation Presidential Primary! We need to do a better job in encouraging future generations to take part in the electoral process and this is the first step to achieving this goal.  

Students and Educators, we need your help! We would love to hold High School Voter Registration Drives all over the Granite State and you can hold one in your very own high school! To do this, you can follow our free New Hampshire Run A Drive Toolkit. This has all the information you need for your drive to be a HUGE success! To ensure that your drive is a success, follow these best practices and tips! This is a process that can be implemented on a year to year basis to generate a larger impact in your communities. 

Be sure to keep an eye on the events tab for upcoming events regarding High School Voter Registration Drives. These events are great opportunity to interact with other students and educators across the state to learn from one another!

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  • Sam Cassin
    published this page in Take Action 2024-02-09 07:22:52 -0500