Remembering Granny D

GrannyD.jpg"Dear friends, we would never seek to abolish now what has become our dear United States. But it is our constant intention that it should be a government of, by and for the people, not the special interests. Our right to alter our government must be used to sweep these halls clean of greedy interests so that people may use this government in service to each other's needs and to protect the condition of our earth."

    - Doris "Granny D" Haddock

On March 9 2010, New Hampshire and the nation bid farewell to Doris "Granny D" Haddock, a beloved friend, legendary reformer, and founder of Open Democracy. She was remembered by presidents, governors, senators, members of congress, the media, and countless friends and admirers across the United States for her uplifting rhetoric, her feisty down-to-earth spirit, and her unflinching commitment to the cause of democracy for all. 

Although her entire life was dedicated to service, Granny D waited until her ninetieth year to enter the national spotlight. In 1999, she undertook an audacious 3,200-mile walk across the United States for campaign finance reform.

Go to a page with Granny D's speech on the steps of the United States Capitol:

Read or download Granny D's speech on the steps of the United States Capitol

Her extraordinary determination and sacrifice helped create the momentum necessary to pass the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, sponsored by Senators McCain and Feingold. She continued her fight until her death a decade later at the age of 100.

Granny D's remarkable story is captured in the following documentaries, books, and plays. The New York Times carried the following remembrance after she died. 

Learn more about Granny D

Share your memories of Granny D

Granny D met, hugged and talked to thousands of Americans in her epic walk across America.   What are your stories about Granny D? 

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