Rally - Show Me the Money

President Obama is currently contemplating issuing an Executive Order requiring disclosure of campaign contributions for federal contractors.

This would be a very exciting victory for our movement to shine the light on corporations that are attempting to buy our elections. It is very likely that significant grassroots pressure will make the difference.

Join us as we encourage President Obama to shine the light on corporate corruption of our democracy as part of nationwide rallies on April 2 – the year anniversary of the McCutcheon U.S. Supreme Court ruling that further put our democracy up for sale.

RSVP here: http://www.getmoneyoutaction.org/

April 05, 2015 at 5:00pm - 8pm
Market Square (corner of Congress St. and Market St.), in front of North Church
2 Congress St
Portsmouth, NH 03801
United States
Google map and directions
Sandra Woodworth ·

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