Peace and Democracy Conference

Building a Culture of Peace and Nonviolence:

Overcoming Money in Politics

Boyd Science Center
Plymouth State University
Saturday, April 18, 9:30am to 3pm

Militarism, incarceration, and environmental degradation intensify through policies bought by campaign contributions and high paid lobbyists. We must address the corrupting influence of money in our political system if we are to build a culture of peace and non-violence. We will prepare ourselves through "bird-dog" training, skills and issue workshops and a keynote address by Lawrence Wilkerson.

Lawrence Wilkerson
Former Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell
An expert in foreign policy, Wilkerson offers honest criticism of America’s policies on war and militarism.

"Bird-Dog" Training
Gain the skills to share concerns and get answers from presidential candidates.
There will be an advanced training session for those with experience bird-dogging.

Other workshop topics:
Money in Politics, Direct Action, Militarism, Incarceration, Global Warming, Net Neutrality, and GMOs.


This event is FREE. Bring your own lunch.




April 18, 2015 at 9:30am - 2:30pm
Plymouth State University - Boyd Science Center
Highland Street
Plymouth, NH 03246
United States
Google map and directions

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