Take Action & Sign to Protect Your Freedom to Vote in NH

A NH Campaign for Voting Rights Petition

Endorsed by Open Democracy
In November 2020, New Hampshire voters turned out in historic record numbers to make their voices heard despite a global pandemic. Election officials, community leaders,  and voting rights advocates worked hard to ensure voters were able to safely and securely vote, and as a result eligible voters from both sides of the aisle were able to use expanded voting methods including universal access to absentee ballots. 
Despite this success, some politicians in Concord are seeking to chip away at the rights of constitutionally eligible voters in our state with a slew of anti-democracy voting bills.
These politicians are weaponizing lies of voter fraud to justify these anti-democracy bills. If their agenda prevents even one eligible American from casting their ballot, it damages our democracy and builds the same narrative that led to the insurrection at the Capitol in January. When those in positions of power push for policies that obstruct access to safe and secure elections, they normalize a win-at-all-costs view of politics that is corrosive to democracy. 

These anti-voter bills include:

HB 531, relative to unconstitutional provisional ballots
HB 535, relative to anti-voter same day voter registration changes
HB 554, relative to anti-student voter eligibility confusion 
HB 362, relative to unconstitutional anti-student voter eligibility
HB 292, relative to anti-elderly and disabled voter changes to absentee ballot  

In contrast, there are a number of bipartisan bills and initiatives proposed which would actually add additional security and increase integrity in our elections. 

This pro-voter legislation and policy includes:

SB 46, relative to the expansion of electronic poll books
HB 524, relative to requiring the Secretary of State to conduct random audits of results
ERIC membership: Members of both parties have expressed support this session for New Hampshire to join a majority of states as a member of the Electronic Registration Information Center. ERIC membership would ensure clean voter check lists and catch cases of possible voter error quickly, while enfranchising unregistered but eligible voters.  

Free and fair elections are the bedrock of our democracy, and Granite Staters trust that you will do everything in your power to protect the right of every Granite Stater to exercise our constitutional right to vote.

Please join us in the fight to call on legislators to protect the right to vote and condemn anti-voter legislation by signing and promoting this petition with your personal networks.

167 signatures

Will you sign?

Showing 144 reactions

  • Brian Beihl
    signed 2021-05-12 11:20:02 -0400
    NH citizens need more access to the polls, not less!
  • Susan Kaplan
    signed 2021-04-01 21:59:37 -0400
  • Karen North
    signed 2021-03-17 20:25:49 -0400
  • Donald Crowell
    signed 2021-03-08 14:32:08 -0500
  • Bruce James
    signed 2021-03-08 11:13:02 -0500
  • Marianne Jackson
    signed 2021-03-08 08:39:11 -0500
    The bedrock of democracy is the open, easily accessible and welcomed voter participation of all citizens. No unnecessary impediments should ever be permitted.
  • Cornelia Sargent
    signed 2021-03-08 08:09:51 -0500
    Blind, please OMIT my name from all print mailing lists—do NOT send printed mail that will not be read, nor will your return address be known by me. It is a total waste of your postage money and a recycling hassle for me, blind.

    I also prefer to not drown in e mails, generally do not sign petitions as I dread the flood of e mails this is likely to open. Thus I’ve given you a real address that I will never see, because it is not linked to my inbox. Phone calls are welcome for timely action at 603.542.9368 or 603.542.6600, voice mail after 8 rings, no caller id or cell so please leave message if we’re out in Nature.

    Nelia Sargent
  • Marion Eliassen
    signed 2021-03-07 22:36:23 -0500
  • Jack Hurley
    signed 2021-03-07 20:28:12 -0500
  • Jack Hurley
    followed this page 2021-03-07 19:17:17 -0500
  • Karen Williamson
    signed 2021-03-07 18:32:56 -0500
  • janet collett
    signed 2021-03-07 16:16:19 -0500
    Democracy means everyone gets to vote, no if or buts!
  • Janet Haines
    signed 2021-03-07 16:15:57 -0500
    My right to vote is guaranteed by the constitution. Nothing should get in the way.
  • Susan Wagner
    signed 2021-03-07 12:43:36 -0500
  • John Raby
    signed 2021-03-07 12:43:18 -0500
    Evidently the majority in the state legislature wants to make New Hampshire a Jim Crow state. As such, it will be 1950s Alabama north. I write this comment with apologies to Alabama, but it’s clear John Lewis would weep. I never imagined I would have to say so, but I am ashamed for my state.
  • Elizabeth and William Trought
    signed 2021-03-07 12:01:56 -0500
  • Bruce Altobelli
    signed 2021-03-07 11:32:59 -0500
  • Susan "Rosie" & Lewis Greenstein
    signed 2021-03-07 11:18:48 -0500
  • Liz Tentarelli
    followed this page 2021-03-07 10:57:29 -0500
  • Terri Wilcox
    signed 2021-03-07 07:56:35 -0500
  • Anastasia Glavas
    signed 2021-03-07 07:54:00 -0500
  • maralyn doyle
    signed 2021-03-07 06:34:23 -0500
  • David Blair
    signed 2021-03-06 23:29:35 -0500
    Voter participation makes our democracy stronger. Legislation that attempts to restrict the right to vote in any way is undemocratic. Our elections have been remarkably well run in New Hampshire, with negligible evidence of fraud. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”
  • Gerald Cooper
    signed 2021-03-06 21:33:26 -0500
  • Kate Coon
    signed 2021-03-06 21:10:38 -0500
    The freedom to vote is the constitutional bedrock of our democracy. Bills which attempt to obstruct that freedom must be struck down. Our democracy depends upon it.
  • Jane VanBremen
    signed 2021-03-06 19:58:46 -0500
  • Jeffrey Dickler
    signed 2021-03-06 19:53:52 -0500
  • Linda Hagan
    signed 2021-03-06 18:41:32 -0500
  • Marjorie Margolis
    signed 2021-03-06 16:42:41 -0500
  • Sandra Wells
    signed 2021-03-06 16:18:05 -0500
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