Constitutionally Speaking: Money, Democracy, and the Constitution II - Campaign Finance and Election Law
This symposium will address federal campaign finance reform and some of the implications for the political system and health of our democracy. The event will feature individual presentations by Attorney James Bopp, Jr., Dr. Anthony Corrado, and Dr. Ray La Raja, followed by a moderated discussion. Dr. R. Shep Melnick will serve as moderator.
James Bopp, Jr. is an attorney with The Bopp Law Firm, in Terre Haute, Indiana. He was lead counsel for Citizens United in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U. S. 310 (2010), which struck down McCain-Feingold’s electioneering communication provision and prohibitions on corporations advocating the election or defeat of candidates and lead counsel for the Republican National Committee in McCutcheon v Federal Election Commission, 134 S. Ct. 1434 (2014), which struck aggregate limits on the total amount that an individual may contribute to all political parties, PACs and federal candidates in an election cycle.
His successful campaign finance and election law litigation practice includes over 140 campaign finance cases against federal laws and state laws in over 35 states.
Anthony Corrado, Ph.D. is a Professor of government at Colby College in Waterville, Maine. He is a nonresident Senior Fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution and serves as Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Campaign Finance Institute. He has served as a special advisor to the American Bar Association Committee on Election Law and as a member of the American Bar Association Advisory Commission on Election Law.
Dr. Corrado is an author or coauthor of a number of studies on campaign finance regulation and elections, including Financing the 2008 Election, Financing the 2004 Election, Paying for Presidents, and The New Campaign Finance Sourcebook. He has published dozens of book chapters and articles on the financing of national elections, political party behavior, and campaign and election law.
Raymond J. La Raja, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor in political science at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and founding editor of The Forum, an electronic journal of applied research in contemporary American politics. He is also associate director of the UMass Poll, which conducts Internet-based surveys of voters nationally. His research focuses on political parties, interest groups, elections and campaign finance.
He is the author of Small Change: Money, Political Parties and Campaign Finance Reform, editor of New Directions in American Politics, and has a forthcoming co-authored book, When Purists Prevail: How Campaign Finance Reform Polarizes American Legislatures. He serves on the Academic Advisory Board of the Campaign Finance Institute.
R. Shep Melnick, Ph.D. is the Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr. Professor of American Politics at Boston College and Co-chair of the Harvard Program on Constitutional Government. His research and writing focuses on the intersection of law and politics. He has authored two books and his current project examines how the Rehnquist Court is reshaping our governing institutions.
Money, Democracy, and the Constitution II: Campaign Finance and Election Law is brought to you by Constitutionally Speaking, a collaboration of the New Hampshire Supreme Court Society, the Warren B. Rudman Center for Justice, Leadership and Public Policy at UNH Law School, the New Hampshire Humanities Council, the Nelson A. Rockefeller Center for Public Policy and Social Sciences at Dartmouth, and the New Hampshire Institute of Politics.
Contact Information:
Name: Ann Camann
Phone: (603) 222-4100
Email: [email protected]
100 Saint Anselm Dr
Manchester, NH 03102
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