Voting by Absentee Ballot in NH - Voting in 2020 Elections with"Physical Disability" OR "Concern with Covid 19" excuse
With municipal elections this spring, a state primary on September 8, 2020 and the general election on November 3, 2020, we are urging voters who have concerns about voting in person to vote by mail with an absentee ballot.
On April 10, 2020, the Secretary of State and Attorney General of NH issued issued a statement allowing any voter with a concern of COVID-19 to vote by absentee using the "physical disability" excuse in 2020.
Then with an action by the NH legislature, and signed by Gov. Sununu, this was updated on July 18, 2020 with an amended absentee ballot form, at right. This is now the current form you should use.
Hate to give you bad news, but I did find broken links on your page as well. In the paragraph “if you have further questions” your link to “voting during the COVID-19 state of emergency” is broken, probably due to the revision of the SOS website. Same broken link later in the paragraph “get an application online”.

Here's the a portion of the April statement allowing the absentee ballot to be used for concerns with COVID-19
"With respect to any upcoming municipal elections, we offer the following guidance as to who is eligible to vote by absentee ballot in light of the current public health crisis. As explained below, in light of the current public health state of emergency, Emergency Orders #16 and #26, and current public health guidance on social distancing and avoiding being in public in groups of 10 or more, all voters have a reasonable ground to conclude that a "physical disability" exists within the meaning of RSA 657:1. Therefore,all voters may request an absentee ballot on that basis." To read the entire memorandum, [click here.]
Subsequent statements by the Secretary of State William Gardner and Governor Sununu clarified that for the duration of 2020, any registered voter wishing to receive an absentee ballot for a municipal, state or federal election could get one. In mid-May, the Secretary of State also clarified that voters with Covid 19 concerns may also register to vote by mail. Call your local town clerk's office for more information on on what copies of documents and identification will be necessary, or check "no" answering whether you are a registered voter on the absentee ballot request application, and a voter registration application will be sent to you.
If you have concerns about voting in person during the Covid-19 emergency, we recommend you request your absentee ballot immediately. Don't wait until September; you can fill out and send your application for September and November. This will aid the town clerk and election workers in processing an unprecedented number of ballots. Your ballot won't arrive until a few weeks prior to the election.
If you filled out and sent in the previous NH Absentee Ballot Application for 2020 Elections . . .
If you have already filled out the previous form, applying for absentee ballots for September 8 and November 3 with two forms, you DO NOT have to fill out the new July 2020 form. Your previous application, where you checked the "disability" excuse still qualifies you to receive your ballots.
If you have further questions
If you have further questions about voting by absentee, visit the Secretary of State web page created in June with COVID-related information, Voting During the COVID-19 State of Emergency or contact your local town or city clerk.
Requesting an Absentee Ballot Application in NH
Requests for absentee ballots must:
- Be made by filling out an official absentee ballot request form

- Requesting a minimum of 10 days in advance if you want it to be sent by mail
- Going directly to town hall on the Monday before election day before your clerk's office closes
- Made in writing with the request form, not by phone
- And contain your physical "wet" - as in ink - signature. Electronic signatures are not accepted by the State of New Hampshire for voting purposes.
- You may download and fill out your form electronically (with PDF software, for instance), but you must print out the form, and sign it in ink.
- Once you've signed the form, you can mail back the paper copy, or scan the document with your ink signature and fax or email it as an attachment.
- If you don't have a printer, request a paper absentee application from your town clerk.
Get an Application from Your Town Clerk You may get an application in person at your city or town clerk's office, or an application can be mailed to you or emailed as a PDF to you upon request. We have heard that some town clerks refuse to mail requests, and require you to come in person. This is not required and you are within your rights to request that it be mailed.
Get an Application Online For state & federal elections, you may find the 2020 Application for State Election Absentee Ballot at the official NH Secretary of State web page. This is a two-page application. Applications for absentee ballots for local elections will only be available at your town's website. There is also a new page at the Secretary of State's website called Voting During the COVID-19 State of Emergency and the 2020 absentee ballot application which contains a "concern for COVID-19 checkbox.
You may get an absentee ballot application at your Town or City Clerk's office until 5:00 P.M. on the day before election day. To get an absentee ballot for state and federal elections by mail, fill out and mail or fax the official absentee ballot application well in advance of the election to your town or city clerk's office. You are not required to have a photo ID to vote absentee.
While anyone may return another voter’s absentee ballot application, it’s important to know that absentee ballots can only be handed to the voter or mailed to the voter. Election officials are unable to hand your ballot to anyone else, regardless of their relation to you. Why only you? New Hampshire Law 657:15 specifies that it must either be mailed to or personally delivered to the applicant.
For uniformed service members who vote (UOCAVA) in NH elections, there is a separate Federal Post Card Application for Voter Registration and Absentee Ballot Request (FPCA) form you should use to request a ballot. This is a two-page application.
Voting by Absentee Ballot During Bad Weather
There are special rules for voting by absentee ballot when there is a threat of bad weather, including snowstorms and hurricanes. Go HERE for more information.
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